English Information

The “Luigi Venturini” chorus is born in Tagliacozzo since February 1972 to interest of C° Elisa Blasetti and her brother Gaetano they was dedicated to Tagliacozzo’s poet Luigi Venturini, author of song about local customs.

The association haven’t stopping the activity of chorus folk and the traditional group aim to rediscovery and proposal of tradition of Abruzzo that introduce at them audience through songs, dances, rituals and old trades.

In too years many was the cultural exchanges crossed with groups of everywhere in the world present in the International Folk Festival organized by association in Tagliacozzo at the end of July.

The chorus was entered for along time to F.I.T.P. Italian Federation Popular Traditions that has also of the scientific council consisting of renowned studious of ethnic history under them management had undertake too the way of research on the regional territory.

The success that the chorus attain in the time are numerous as proved to the certificates, the plaques and the trophies that furnish his headquarters that testify in quantity country of the world it went as ambassador of popular culture of Abruzzo.

Now it is presided by Maria Lidia De Dominicis, directed by Monica Tortora and accompanied on by accordionist Giovanni Fantozzi. His member are 40 nearly, among the musicians pledged in the sound of traditional instruments as the diatonic barrel organ, the “Caccavella” , the tambourine and the castanets.